

Costa Rica

The clear water river Rio Blanco near Guápiles.

These are the fish species you see in the video:

Sicydium salvini (Court-ship), Hypsophrys nematopus (Pair with juveniles), Tomocichla tuba (Adult solitaire), Cryptoheros sajica (Juveniles) and Astyanax robustus (Schools)


These are the fish species you see in the video:

Amatitlania sajica, Sicydium salvini, Brycon costaricensis, Astyanax orthodus, Tomocichla tuba, Agonostomus monticola and Poecilia gillii

This map shows the location:


Sri Lanka

Near Polhena in the southern coast.


 Here is a juvenile Gymnothorax permistus defending its territory against a foolish Danish diver.

This map shows the location:


United Arab Emirates

Underwater footage of the freshwater fish Arabian pupfish Aphanius dispar in natural habitat Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates (UAE). 


All videos here are made by
Peter Petersen


Rio Xingú

Wildlife in and around the river system

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Costa Rica

Birds, lizards, frogs, freshwater fish, rainforest and dry forest



Ladybird spider (Photo article coming soon)



Amager Fælled a nature hot spot in Copenhagen, Denmark

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